Dessinateur un peu dérangé quand on me donne un crayon, chevalier de la bière lorsque j'enfile mon armure sur scène, étudiant bordelais le reste du temps, en chasse perpétuelle de nouveaux concerts pour en relater des souvenirs plus ou moins flous.
“CONAN are as heavy as interplanetary thunder amplified through the roaring black hole anus of Azathoth.” Quite frankly, we’ve never read a more accurate promo...
After a rather intense introductory day for my first DESERTFEST BELGIUM ever, we’re off to a denser second day with a considering slab of doom bands, while some others got us...
I tend to say that YOB are to Doom what Amenra are to Post-hardcore, as very few bands manage to be as stirring and cathartic as the latter. However, pigeonholing two bands...
It’s always hard to weigh in on a band you’ve been into and respected for years, when the latter decides to turn a risky corner. Hard for me to judge the new...